Vitrine de MUCHEN112233 Hangzhou TaiYu Furnishings Co.,Ltd

公司简介 杭州泰裕家饰有限公司于2007年成立,座落在杭州萧山益农工业区,是走在前沿的线帘生产商。我们将优良的传统手工艺与先进的新技术融为一体,为您的客厅、餐厅、卧室、厨房、办公室、洗衣房、儿童室、花园以及温室量身打造多功能线帘,让您的房子更加的温馨、怡人。 公司宗旨:诚信铸就品牌,生意必须双赢。 Company Profile HangZhou TaiYu Furnishings Co. Ltd, located in YiNong industrial zone, XiaoShan, HangZhou, has been established since 2007 as XiaoShan's leading specialist string curtain manufacturer. We combine the best in traditional craftsmanship with the latest technology to offer you made to measure versatile string curtains which will add lusters to your living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, office, laundry room, nursery, garden as well as conservatory, and make them more inviting. Core Principle: Mutual Trust, Co-development. 公司产品: 我们的产品包括按客户要求定做的线帘,穿珠线帘,流苏,花边等其它装饰饰品。我们的产品主要远销西方国家:如德国,法国,意大利等;此外还有一些亚洲国家,如俄国,韩国,印度等。 Products: Our products include made to measure string curtains, crystal curtains, tassels, fringes as well as other ornamental accessories. Our products are mainly exported to western countries, such as Germany, France, and Italy, and too to Asian countries like Russia, South Korea and India. 联系我们: 您如果有需要,请联系下面的号码或邮来邮件,询问最新价格。同时,我们热忱欢迎您前来萧山益农工业区参观我公司,也希望贵公司能在我们的样品间里淘到您需要的的产品。 Contact Us: If we can be of an assistance to you please call us on the telephone number below or e-mail for a latest quotation, you are always welcome to visit our company in YiNong industrial zone, XiaoShan., and too you will, we do hope, find the products you are looking for in our showroom. 电 话 86 0571 82598965 移动电话 13758551262 传 真 86 0571 82598965 地 址 中国 浙江 杭州市 萧山区益农镇众力工业区 邮 编 311247 Address: ZhongLi, YiNong Town, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Zip Code: 311247 Tel: (+86)571 8259 8965 Fax: (+86)571 8259 8965 Mobile: (+86)137 5855 1262 Facebook: armstrong881122

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