Vitrine de MELISSA87WM Zhengzhou Newbase Auto Electronics Co.,Ltd

1 annonce publiée par Melissa87wm

Chine (Rép. pop) Destockage
Vehicle hvac control system

Vendredi 03 août 2012

Quantité : 3000 - Prix : to be discussed

Chinanewbase, established in 1991,is active in the field of vehicle climate & electronic control research and manufacture for many years. We have been devoted to introducing international leading auto control & industry self-control technology into China. For many years,chinanewbase...

Zhengzhou Newbase Auto Electronics Co.,Ltd

  • melissa87wm
  • - zhenghzou
  • 86 0371 67999595
  • 86 13196601545
Nombre de résultats par page : 6 30 150

Pour contacter le responsable de la vitrine : melissa87wm